Potential of various trap crops for the control of Bemisia tabaci on chilli pepper



  • Mihwan Sataral Department of Agrotechnology https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0053-8375
  • Syahril Daud Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tompotika Luwuk University, Banggai, 94711, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
  • Fahri Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia 94118, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
  • Maria Hevianti Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Samudra University, Jl. Prof. Dr. Syarief Thayeb, Meurandeh, Langsa Lama, Langsa City, Aceh 24416, Indonesia


Trap crops, habitat manipulation, pest control, whitefly, chilli pepper


The whitefly Bemisia tabaci is an important pest of chilli peppers and a vector insect that causes yellow leaf disease. This study aimed to compare the whitefly population and the intensity of its attacks on chilli production in plots with or without trap crops. This study used eggplant, tomato and mungbean as trap crops. As the main crop, Chilli pepper was planted in plots measuring 7 m x 4 m with a spacing of 60 cm x 70 cm. Trap crops were planted around the chilli pepper plots, with 16 plants in each plot. The results showed a significant difference between whitefly populations and the intensity of their attacks in plots without trap crops and plots with mungbean traps. The biggest chilli weight was obtained from plots with mungbean trap plants. State that mungbean has the best potential as a trap crop to control B. tabaci.


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How to Cite

Sataral, M., Daud, S. ., Fahri, & Hevianti, M. . (2022). Potential of various trap crops for the control of Bemisia tabaci on chilli pepper. CELEBES Agricultural, 2(2), 88–96. https://doi.org/10.52045/jca.v2i2.398

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