Anatomy of Mangosteen Root (Garcinia mangostana L.) from Bengkalis Island which can grow in flooded areas


  • Vebrita Sari Department of Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Pahlawan University, Tuanku Tambusai No.23, Bangkinang, Kec. Bangkinang Kampar, Riau 28412
  • Syamsul Bachry Department of Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Pahlawan University, Tuanku Tambusai No.23, Bangkinang, Kec. Bangkinang Kampar, Riau 28412
  • Febri Ayu Department of Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Pahlawan University, Tuanku Tambusai No.23, Bangkinang, Kec. Bangkinang Kampar, Riau 28412


Aerenchyma, root anatomy, Bengkalis, mangosteen


Bengkalis Island is a lowland area that often experiences periodic flooding, such as flooding due to "Pasang keling" every December. In Bengkalis Island, Riau Province, there are many good quality mangosteens. The ability of mangosteen from Bengkalis Island to adapt to flooded areas is thought to have a special root system that has never been reported. This study looks at the anatomical structure of mangosteen roots from Bengkalis Island that grow in flooded and non-flooded areas. Samples of mangosteen roots were taken in 4 villages for location I (flooded) and three villages for location 2 (not flooded) on Bengkalis Island. Sampling using the survey method and analyzed descriptively. Preparation of root anatomy using paraffin method with double staining. Observations were made using a photomicrographic microscope. The anatomy of mangosteen roots from Bengkalis Island that grow in flooded areas differs from those in typical habitats (not flooded The anatomy of mangosteen roots in the flooded location has a thicker epidermis, aerenchymal tissue, and Ca oxalate crystals are found. Mangosteen roots growing in normal habitat (not flooded) generally do not have aerenchyma. The discovery of differences in root morphology in both locations indicates that mangosteen from Bengkalis Island has a mechanism to tolerate flooded conditions.


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How to Cite

Vebrita Sari, Syamsul Bachry, & Febri Ayu. (2023). Anatomy of Mangosteen Root (Garcinia mangostana L.) from Bengkalis Island which can grow in flooded areas. CELEBES Agricultural, 4(1), 21–29.