Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja, Disiplin Kerja dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja
The Effect Of Work Motivation Work Discpiline and Work Satisfaction On Ferformance
Work Motivation, Work Discipline, Job Satisfaction, PerformanceAbstract
The formulation of the problem is how work motivation, work discipline and job satisfaction have a significant effect on performance partially and simultaneously at the Luwuk Village Office. The type of data is qualitative which is quantified with a sample of 10 respondents. The analysis tool is a multiple linear regression test with the equation form Y = 20.934 - 5.575X1 + 6.682X2 - 1.038X3, correlation coefficient, determination coefficient, t test and f test. The results of the t test are the T value of Work Motivation of -2.590 with a significance level of 0.041, Work Discipline of 3.065 with a significance level of 0.022, Job Satisfaction of -3.082 with a significance level of 0.022. T table of 2.447 (t count > t table). The result of the F test is 8.313 with sig 0.015, F table is 4.76, so there is a significant influence between Work Motivation (X1, Work Discipline (X2), Job Satisfaction (X3), and Performance (Y). The determination coefficient is 80.6% and the remaining 19.4% is influenced by other variables not studied. The correlation coefficient is 0.898, indicating a very strong relationship.
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