Plagiarism Notice

Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian (JIMFP),  wants to ensure that all authors are careful and comply with international standards for academic integrity, particularly on the issue of plagiarism.

Plagiarism occurs when an author takes ideas, information, or words from another source without proper credit to the source. Even when it occurs unintentionally, plagiarism is still a serious academic violation and unacceptable in international academic publications.

When the author takes words from another author, citation and quotation marks are required. Whenever four or more consecutive words are identical to a source that the author has read, the author must use quotation marks to denote the use of another author’s original words; just a citation is no longer enough.

Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian (JIMFP) takes academic integrity very seriously, and the editors reserve the right to withdraw acceptance from a paper found to violate any of the standards set out above. For further information, potential authors can contact the editorial office at

Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian (JIMFP) uses a software Turnitin and Plagiarism Checker X as its tool for plagiarism screening.